Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Selling Organs?

Should an individual have the right to sell his or her organs?  I do not think people should be allowed to sell their organs.  Could you imagine walking into a store, where aisles consist of lungs, hearts and livers? Let’s go to the kidney aisle because I need a new one… This does not sound right to me, AT all.  Selling parts of your body, dead or alive, is wrong and is ill-mannered. It is selfish, period.  Once a person has passed away, who would take the money for those organs anyway?  I also believe that transplants aren’t a cure; they just postpone one’s life.  Transplant patients have to take injections for the rest of their lives, so in a way they are just trading a terminal disease for a chronic one (2010, Arthur L. Caplan).  Selling organs, to me, makes it seem like you are taking advantage of yourself.  There are certain circumstances, however, where I think organs should be donated.  If someone was willing to donate their organ while still alive, I believe that should be allowed, because it’s their body.   After someone dies, it also only makes sense to recycle the parts to save other people, with their consent of course. Our technology these days has improved so much, and being able to perform a procedure like a heart transplant is a miracle. Why should we let those skills and knowledge go to waste? Overall, people should not be able to sell their organs; they should simply donate them.
I agree with Martin Wilkinson in the fact that there are a lot of people in need of organs, but I think there are enough donors out there who would be willing to give up their organs after they die.  This article did change my mind a little.  I’m not for it, or against it.  If the law does change, and selling an organ is no longer a criminal offense, it would just give the wrong impression.

The article can be found here:

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