Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ethics and Medicine

Birth control pills… Are they a good idea? Or should pharmacists have the right to deny any woman birth control? Many people are against the birth control pill because they think it is going against Mother Nature and that it is equivalent to receiving an abortion.  Others think it is widely needed to prevent many teenagers and young couples from getting pregnant.   The upcoming election between Tom Barrett and Scott Walker could affect whether birth control pills are allowed.  I was doing research on these candidates for our future governor of Wisconsin, and the birth control pill was one of the discussion topics.  Walker supports a bill that makes it okay for any pharmacist to deny a woman access to birth control.  Do we want this? I think it is very important to keep the pill as an option of contraceptive.  It is one of the most effective birth controls and is used by over 80% of woman (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center).  If the birth control pill was outlawed, more people would become pregnant, which could possibly result in more abortions.  Abortions are a completely different topic with a lot more controversy, but personally, I think birth control pills need to stay. 
The above link is against the birth control pill.  It states that many people are not informed on how birth control works.  It argues that the birth control pill is a form of abortion.  The link below is a blog written by Jenifer Scharpen who is for the birth control pill.  The question she ponders is, “how can birth control lead to more abortions?” 
The first link presents the most compelling argument.  It gives us factual information on how it works and nobody can argue with that, however, it doesn’t persuade me to be against the birth control pill. 

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