Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Response to Jacob Ninneman's post - My technborati search...

In response to Jacobs post

The blog, “Optimal health resource blog,” is very long and consists of many articles written by John Phillips.  It is mainly about nutrition and could be very helpful in maintaining a healthy diet.  The topics range from magnesium deficiency, to understanding the genetic link to weight loss, to the top strategies to preventing diabetes; one article even talks about how important it is to get a good night’s sleep.  In our athletic course, counseling psychology 115: life skills academy, we were taught that sugar is very unhealthy and mainly just produces fat in your body.  This article explains why sugar is bad and what exactly sugar does to your body. 

I thought the post on fish nutrition was very interesting.  I never knew that fish could help protect us from developing chronic diseases.  The post also talks about insulin and diabetes.  Several experiments were performed to help explore two omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil.  I think Jacob’s informative paper about athletic nutrition would be interesting to read. 

Being completely unrelated to sports nutrition, I was very bothered by the fact that the fish study experiments used animal testing.  I am against animal testing and think that it is morally wrong.  Even though the DHA protected the animals, they should not be tested on.  They were not put on this earth for that reason.   

The articles discussed are as follows:

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