Sunday, October 31, 2010

Demonstration Speech Evaluation

Overall, I think my demonstration speech went pretty well. It took me a while to come up with a somewhat decent topic but after I found my topic, it was easy to perform in front of the class. It was a spur-of-the-moment topic and was something I enjoyed learning how to do.  Hopefully it really does help me save money.
There were some good and not-so-good parts of my speech.  I got caught up on my words at times and some of my explanations were confusing.  For the most part, it went pretty smooth. My voice, personally, sounds weird, but that goes for a lot of people.  It was a good volume and most of my words were clear. The speech could have been shorter because it barely fell between the 5-6 minute limit.  Visual aids were provided for everybody in the class so they could follow along with what I was showing them; doing that kept more people interested and listening.
I am happy with my performance.  I wasn’t nervous at all and thought I handled myself pretty well.  I am used to giving speeches because when I was the captain of my gymnastics team, I helped fundraise by talking to large groups of people. I am eager to start my persuasive paper. 

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